In Finnish

Telegram from the Moscow Legation to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, November 2, 1940

Commissar Molotov invited the undersigned to see him in the Kremlin on November 1. He was in a very angry mood. He said that the Finnish Government does not wish to discuss economic matters with the USSR in a reasonable spirit, and at the same time hatred of the USSR is being fanned in Finland. He took up first the nickel concession, and sternly complained of the delay. He demanded an answer to the question whether the Finnish Government is willing to negotiate in the matter of the concession, if the nickel company gives its consent. He referred again to the statement by Ambassador Cripps. I gave the same answer as to Vyshinski the day before yesterday. Commissar Molotov also hinted that the USSR would proceed to action if the matter is not arranged. He did not mention the nature of the measures. He said that the USSR must also receive, this year, 40 per cent of the ore as agreed. I answered that to my knowledge the mines were not yet working, to which Molotov replied: "And yet you do not want us to help."


Source: Finland reveals her secret documents on Soviet policy, March 1940—June 1941. Doc. nr. 41. Wilfred Funk, New York 1941.
The book is a verbatim translation of the "Blue-White Book" published by the Foreign Ministry of Finland, 1941.

The contemporary Peoples' Commissariat for Foreign Affairs report on the Paasikivi-Molotov discussion (in Russian).

Finland in the Soviet foreign policy 1939-1940