In Finnish

Telegram from the Moscow Legation to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, November 6, 1940

On November 5 I notified M. Vyshinski of the contents of your telegram of October 31 regarding nickel. M. Vyshinski said he had spoken with Ambassador Cripps, who, disavowing Minister Vereker, confirmed what he had told Commissar Molotov in July, but to the effect that the nickel company was prepared temporarily to transfer the concession up to the end of the war. Commissar Vyshinski took the view that this condition was of no significance, and that the matter was settled with the British. He said that the Germans had reported already earlier that they did not want the concession, but would be satisfied with 60 per cent of the nickel, and therefore there was no further need to take up the matter with them. He was of the opinion that the Finnish Government could now unilaterally annul the concession, after which, as the owner of the mines, the Finnish Government could do as it pleased. I answered that, according to our laws, the consent of the nickel company was needed for an annulment of the concession, and that the condition as to time, now brought forward by Ambassador Cripps, would have to be withdrawn, as the concession agreement with the company would have to be definitely annulled.


Source: Finland reveals her secret documents on Soviet policy, March 1940—June 1941. Doc. nr. 42. Wilfred Funk, New York 1941.
The book is a verbatim translation of the "Blue-White Book" published by the Foreign Ministry of Finland, 1941.

The contemporary Peoples' Commissariat for Foreign Affairs report on the Paasikivi-Vyshinski discussion (in Russian).

Finland in the Soviet foreign policy 1939-1940