In Finnish

Telegram from the London Legation to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, November 7, 1940.

I notified Mr. Collier today of your telegram 632. Mr. Collier assured me that Ambassador Cripps had never been sent any other directives than those reported by Minister Vereker. . . . He said we could inform the USSR that the matter will not be settled with the British until the USSR undertakes not to export any nickel to Germany. This is a condition for any settlement which Great Britain would approve. He added that he would inform me later whether they could give the written notification you asked for.


Source: Finland reveals her secret documents on Soviet policy, March 1940—June 1941. Doc. nr. 43. Wilfred Funk, New York 1941.
The book is a verbatim translation of the "Blue-White Book" published by the Foreign Ministry of Finland, 1941.

The contemporary Peoples' Commissariat for Foreign Affairs report on the Paasikivi-Vyshinski discussion (in Russian).

Finland in the Soviet foreign policy 1939-1940