The Socialist Soviet republic of the Russian proletariat is in this sense, for the time being, the only proper Fatherland of the world revolutionary proletariat, to be safeguarded by Communists of all countries against imperialistic bandits, because the Socialist Soviet republic of Russia is the common combat weapon against the bourgeoisie and their tyranny in all countries.
Therefore, the Finnish Communist Party pronounces:
- 1. Workers should vigorously prepare themselves to an armed revolution, and turn down efforts to return to the old parliamentary, trade union and cooperative struggle, which was characteristic to workers' organizations in Finland before the revolution.
- 2. Only that kind of workers' movement and activity which guarantees the spread of Communism and the victory of the forth-coming workers' revolution is acceptable and should be energetically forwarded — other kinds of activities among the working people should be most decidedly condemned, revealed and opposed.
- 3. All power should be taken in their own hands by the working class, and an iron dictatorship of workers should be established — simply, the aim is in destroying of the bourgeois state, not democracy, not before the revolution or by the revolution.
- 4. Using the dictatorship of the proletariat a Communist political order should be created and all land and capitalistic property should be expropriated. Organized workers will through their own activity organize all production and distribution of products. The capitalistic exploitative system should not be reformed to a more tolerable one through amendments carried into being by revolution or before it.
- 5. An international workers' revolution and securing its victory should be promoted as effeciently as possible and all energy should be directed to support the Socialist Soviet republic of the Russian proletariat.
- At this moment a bourgeois butcher power prevails in Finland. With bloody terror the bourgeoisie have tried to suppress workers' attempts to freedom. The blood of thousands of our comrades cries for revenge. Tens of thousands orphans and widows curse their oppressor and in starvation - they, suffering from pains, wait for the moment of liberation.
- The strength of workers is now stricken down into a horrible class oppression, outweighed but not broken.
- It will rise again.
- Educated by this hard experience it finally will break the chains of terror of the butchers.
- The bourgeoisie is already afraid of this. They use all their power and devilish skills to avoid the ever approaching day of reckoning.
- The workers of Finland should carefully weigh their actions without letting themselves to be tempted to premature and imprudent exploits that only weaken its collective strength. Instead, the working class should collect and organize its total force for the forth-coming final, decisive battle.
- Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution.
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.
- They have a world to win.
Source: What the Finnish Communist Party wants. Reports of meetings in Moscow Aug. 25 - Sept. 5, 1918. The Central Committee of the Finnish Communist Party. Petrograd, 1918. Translated from the Finnish version and its Swedish translation by Pauli Kruhse(2010).
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