To General Mannerheim
To all news agencies
To be publicly announced
To the Finnish People
Inflamed by a few unscrupulous individuals, some Finnish citizens,
supported by foreign bayonets, have risen in rebellion against the
Diet and Government of Finland, and by violence prevented it from
carrying out its functions, thus endangering the new-found freedom
of our country. The Government is compelled to use all available
means to crush this treasonable movement, and for this purpose, the
Protective Corps, created for the maintenance of order, by authority
of the Diet, has been placed under a single command, that of General
Mannerheim. The Government orders all loyal citizens to give General
Mannerheim and his troops all the assistance he may require.
The misguided citizens who have risen with armed force to destroy
the constitutional order must immediately desist from their criminal
intentions and surrender their arms to the forces of the Government.
Should they not realize the criminal nature of their actions and surrender, they must understand that their attempt is in any case doomed
to failure. Government forces have already seized a large part of the
country and are approaching the towns situated in the south and
southwest. No resistance will avail against them in their fight against
traitors to the freedom of our Fatherland.
January 28, 1918
The Senate of Finland
Arthur Castén Jalmar Castrén
Kyösti Kallio O.V. Louhivuori
Onni Talas.
Source: C. Jay Smith, Jr. Finland and the Russian revolution 1917 - 1922. Atlanta, Georgia. 1958.
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