It is not difficult to see the true value of decisions of the League of Nations adopted in such an atmosphere.
Source: "Moscow News", Dec. 18, 1939. Original published in "Pravda" Dec. 16, 1939.
Other Soviet views: "A living corpse" and in a pictorial form in "Kansan Sana" (People's Word, Nr. 43, 1940) and "Kansan Valta" (People's Power, mid-January, 1940). All examples of propagandistic newspapers dropped into trenches and behind lines along the over 1,000 km long front-line of the defending Finns. Formally published by Soviet mandated new Democratic Government of Finland led by an emigré Finnish communist Otto Kuusinen.
In the picture titled as "In an international bar" the League of Nations is depicted as the dancing girl and French socialist leader Léon Blum as a dog.
A leading article of "The Times" commenting on this appraisal, on 18th of Dec. 1939.
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